Oriel Printing


Oriel’s green agenda is high on our priority list and to that end we have invested heavily in energy savings projects. On the roof of our production facility we have 549 solar PV panels, capable of generating 186kWp of renewable electricity. Combine this with our LED factory lighting system and our electric current optimisation units and we are avoiding over 50,000 kg of CO2 per year!

We buy our electricity from Ørsted, who are the global leader in developing and building wind farms and produce 100% renewable energy. This electricity supplier to Oriel supports the manufacture of wind turbines, here in Hull, at the Siemens Green Port based on the Humber Estuary.

We are heavily in to recycling and all of our paper and plastic waste is recycled to minimise landfill. In conjunction with our supplier, Böttcher, our press chemistry is supplied in re-usable plastic containers that are returned for refilling, therefore diminishing the need for single-use plastics. Even our waste wooden pallets are recycled.

Our metal printing plates are part of a closed loop procurement system whereby the plates are returned to the manufacturer to be recycled and made in to new printing plates, therefore re-using the high grade aluminium over and over. Oriel also utilise processless plates which negates the need for developer, gum and water whilst also saving energy therefore cutting out an environmentally unfriendly step, which most printers still widely use within our industry.

Through our Chain of Custody Certification we are helping to ensure that the harvest of timber products maintains the forest's biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes. Over the last 20 years Europe’s forests have expanded and our use of Chain of Custody certified paper products has only helped this cause.

Oriel's ethical values are strong and we are a member of SEDEX (Membership Reference No. ZC293275039) and currently hold a successful SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) so you can be assured that our standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics are very good.